HeatSink™ Cycling Refrigerated Dryers
The ZEKS dryers are designed for reliability, efficiency and high performance. ZEKS brings in the latest technology to manufacture the Heatsink™ HSH dryers as an alternative to non-cyclic dryers.
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NC Series™ Non-Cycling Refrigerated Compressed Air Dryers
ZEKS NC Series non-cycling refrigerated dryers are engineered to provide maximum energy efficiency and service life.
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MPS Hydronix™ Heatless Purge Dryers
ZEKS MPS Hydronix Heatless Purge Dryers remove moisture from compressed air to achieve dew points from -40°F to as low as -100°F.
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ZPB Eclipse™ Heatless Purge Dryers
ZEKS PB Eclipse Heatless Purge Dryers are designed to achieve a dew point of -40 0 F to as low as -100 o F for the compressed air systems.
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ZHA Eclipse™ Heated Purge Dryers
ZEKS ZHA Eclipse Heated Purge Dryers remove moisture from compressed air to achieve dew points from -40 °F to as low as -100 °F.
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ZBA Eclipse™ Blower Purge Dryers
ZEKS ZBA ECLIPSE Blower Purge Dryer produces dew points as low as -40 0 F.It has been designed with outstanding energy savings by heating atmospheric air for regeneration.
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HTB Hi-Temp Non-Cycling Refrigerated Compressed Air Dryers
HTB Hi-Temp dryers have special features that address the demands of high temperature compressed air for economical delivery of good quality dry air.
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SCFX and SS Series Refrigerated Dryers
ZEKS SCFX and SS Series refrigerated dryers are designed for use in compressed air systems that operate at pressures greater than 200 psig.
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